Thursday, October 24, 2013

Quite a month

It's been quite a month. I'm getting the hang of my new job. At least I know several routes to and from work, I can find my way to my office, and I can usually remember where various library collections are located when asked.

And today, I had the pleasure of taking care of my grandson while we awaited the birth of his little sister.  She arrived and our prayers have been answered. She's perfect. My 21-month old grandson isn't too impressed, but she will grow on him -- eventually,

So back to work. Not only do I have a very different role, but the library and municipality are very different from my former library and city. I am reminded that there are many ways of doing things. And I'm humbled by that. I know, for instance, that Manitowoc Public Library is not suffering in my absence, and though I'm not my predecessor at Franklin Public Library, this library, too, will weather the changes.

Change. It's tough for everyone. It's even tough for the person proposing the changes. And yes, things must change. I've come to my new job with a different perspective than that of my predecessor. Things that she instinctively understood are new to me and things that are paramount to me, were not of such import to her.

I've looked; I've listened. Franklin Public Library has been called "the Jewel of Franklin," and I whole-heartedly agree. Many people have stopped to meet me and tell me how much the library means to them. My responsibility is to make sure that sentiment continues. We have a great staff, a great facility, and a great collection. The foundation is solid.

The changes that I'd like to make are merely honing procedures and practices, but they are changes, and that means that in addition to implementing them, I will have to seek buy-in. They're all logical in my mind, but everyone who works with me comes to the library with  different perspective and different expectations.

So this will be an ongoing process. I'll let you know what happens.